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Dress-A-Child Program Image

Dress-A-Child Program

Help us dress 240 elementary through high school kids in our community.

Dress-A-Child Program

Families should not have to choose between paying rent, putting food on the table, and buying clothing for their kids. We are looking for sponsors to donate funds and for volunteers to help at our annual Dress-A-Child events. Volunteers shop with a child and help them select new winter clothing, including coats, shoes and boots.

The Dress-A-Child program started in 1982 due to the hardship of employee cuts at local lumber mills. While Douglas County was experiencing a recession, several Salvation Army board members decided to help with shoes and clothing for kids in our community. Since 1995, Fred Meyer has allowed kids and volunteers to shop at their store for the special Dress-A-Child event. 

The event continues today to ensure local children who could not otherwise afford new clothes and shoes are equipped for school. By providing kids in Douglas County with new clothes, it boosts their confidence and self-esteem as they continue the new school year. Each child is given $125 to spend at Fred Meyer.

Shopping dates include:

November 8: Glide School District (no volunteers needed at this time)

November 9, 16, 23: Roseburg, Winston, Green, Winchester, and Sutherlin schools


October 19, 2019
1:00 - 4:00 PM

The Salvation Army is partnering with McDonald’s to raise funds to support the event. Visit any of the following McDonald’s on October 19 from 1:00 - 4:00 PM and a portion of the proceeds will support the Dress-A Child-event. 

  • 1379 W Central Ave, Sutherlin, OR 97479
  • 511 NE Garden Valley Blvd, Roseburg, OR 97470
  • 2535 NW Stewart Pkwy, Roseburg, OR 97470
  • 150 Roberts Creek Rd, Roseburg, OR 97471



We need volunteers on November 9, 16, and 23 to shop with kids at Fred Meyer. Contact Captain Kristy at or (541) 248-2585 to get involved.

Please sign-up to volunteer by the following dates:
November 9--deadline to register to volunteer is November 4
November 16--deadline to register to volunteer is November 11
November 23--deadline to register to volunteer is November 18



Become a sponsor by donating to this program. Contact Captain Kristy at or (541) 248-2585. You can drop-off check or cash donations at The Salvation Army Roseburg ( 3130 NE Stephens Street) and designate your gift to Dress-A-Child.

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